Body of Knowledge

Where does consciousness comes from. How did I get here to perceive the sound of my voice.

Where do we start? It is sad that this question is asked. Stupidity that dulls the mind and is this acceptable now days. Do you know the difference between Knowledge and Stupidity? Don’t just assume the opposite of knowledge is an insult even though it seems like it. I don’t want to sound like a diet commercial but, “it’s not your fault”. It takes a lot of focus and desire to learn. I mean, its hard to see or get past whatever is on TV. Maybe the  job is consuming our thoughts? I tried learning some science and the quantum world. Every sentence was foreign to me and I had to keep looking up definitions. I suppose it is still a good thing because I educate myself a little more and something new everyday.

So, please bare with my basic knowledge of the awesome science and technology world.  I’m asking, during this section if we can move past politics and “The Kardashians” for a bit but just give an open mind a chance. This section of the article displays just some Global idiocracy and tid-bits. Dumbing down America is just one of the many videos that displays perhaps not the uneducated but simply showcases Americas priorities list. We mention just a part of history and everyone draws a blank but mention what a celebrity is doing or what was worn at their wedding, all will know.


Welcome 2019! Stupidity is now heard

It has been talked about since September 2018 of certain words that will be inducted into the 2019 Merriam’s dictionary. The video seen here will display only a few from the total 840 added terms. I know verbiage can be trimmed a little so it can come across as slang but I did not not realize this slang would be taken into consideration of being added to the dictionary. So, please forgive me if I might come across as unpleasant or perhaps in denial but I think enough is enough. I am aware we are at a constant change but does not mean we go backwards and speak in slang. I suppose it does save us some time in writing but how much time is really being saved without coming across as uneducated. Some of the words inducted are seen below.

bougie: marked by a concern for wealth, possessions, and respectability

hangry: irritable or angry because of hunger
haptics: the use of electronically or mechanically generated movement that a user experiences through the sense of touch as part of an interface (such as on a gaming console or smartphone)marg: short for margarita plural margs

rando: a random person : a person who is not known or recognizable or whose appearance (as in a conversation or narrative) seems unprompted or unwelcome

TL;DR: too long; didn’t read -used to say that something would require too much time to read



Atoms within our body

Push those aside and look around.  If you don’t hear the TV or see your phone, whats going on in your head?  Do you talk to yourself?  WHERE did you come from? This question is not for Religion. Find out where YOU came from – go ahead.

No matter what field of science, it always seems to spread. You can’t just look up where babies really come from, why a ball falls when I throw it or why a star shines. In order to completely understand an answer, the full scenario has to also be learned. Like, for a star to shine there is a need for gas. In turn, that gas goes through phases and different gases and so on. Before you know it, your learning about gases in the Cosmos instead of some simple answer of a misplaced floating lighter.

Well, obviously my consciousness isn’t in my leg nor in my lungs or heart. They are all just organs inside my body, right?


A bunch of cells carrying blood and oxygen. Some cells are designed to carry signals from the brain to the rest of the body!







A River runs through it

Remember, these cells and atoms receive signals from the brain. Ah, ok. So lets look at the brain to see if our conscious is in there. I read several different articles, attended seminars and dissected related experiments. The cognitive study of the brain has explained exactly where our consciousness resides.  Hold on to your patience because Im going to respectively let you see how they explain it:

The nervous system is an electromagnetic chemical system undergoing phase alteration and propagation delay (the time it takes for an Input to register correctly) and resonance with the world.  The period of propagation delay may well be a couple of hundred milliseconds, enough to give us the presence we are always with. The buzz of representation and productions in the brain are us and we represent them phenomenologically and investigate their physiology and their physics.  We are inside this resonance, we live it and we are it!  What we know is entirely mediated by the sense organs and the brain, what we know of the world is inference.

I’m inside one of those bends or forks in the river (my terms)

That’s what I read. This is how I interpret the ‘just’ of all cognitive science’s views and theories of how and where our conscious is located.  I think it means to say our conscious is created and remains in the brain. In between signals of information within our brain (for that extreme short period) is where we have developed consciousness?

I am going to use a great example with engineering context; letting you see it another way. An electronic amplifier is regulated by a certain amount of the output being fed back into the input; as an inverted (or negative) representation of that input.  It takes time for the electrons to travel through the circuit to the output. This is called propagation delay.  When I am talking electronics, I am talking about the flow of electrons.

Water has electrons too.  If you have a big river and one side branches off to a smaller outlet.  Eventually, the smaller outlet makes its way back to the main river; just at a slower pace to cover more area.  Let me show you, yet one more vision to better comprehend

Conjunction Junction whats your function

Researchers considered that a fully operational brain can produce as much as 10watts of power.  If all 10 billion interconnected nerve cells went off at the same time, it produces 50 million of a volt.  This could power a flashlight bulb!

Following this path led me to a man named, David Chalmers. Even though I found him in the cognitive field, he is also a Professor of philosophy and Director of the Centre for Consciousness (Australian National University). I think his impression on the cognitive view is extremely thought-provoking. Not only has he grabbed what I was trying to say, he offers it all in a question to such simplicity yet far reaching! This question alone has upset scientists with no answer, yet intrigued others to ask themselves the same thing! He has labeled it the hard problem.

“So, ultimately, the problem for a theory of consciousness is to explain how it is that the physical system that we are, this bundle of cells and organs and nerves, can have subjectivity, can behave independently, can do things for itself and can respond to input in a way that takes account of whim and ideology rather than simply reacting to current conditions.  Why it is that physical processing in the brain, no matter how sophisticated, should give rise to any subjective inner life at all?  Why couldn’t that have all gone on in the dark?”

No one really can come out of theory to know where our consciousness comes from; I thought I could just look it up!!  I truly assumed I wasn’t visiting the right websites to get my answer.  So, where else can it be from?    Consciousness is the supposed energy we create by thought, but where does our energy and thought go after its death? Isn’t our Soul just supposed energy?

 … work in progress and more to Come …..


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